Lots has happened at our construction site in such a short time. The facing bricks are all set up, the roof is ready, windows and doors have been installed, the upstairs rooms have been built in and the entire electrical installation has been done.
Our front door. The door is white, the red color comes from the protective foil. |
Our house complete with roof and windows. |
Höchste Zeit für neue Bilder
In ganz kurzer Zeit ist ganz viel auf der Baustelle passiert: die Verblendfassade und das Dach sind fertig, die Fesnter und Türen wurden eingebaut, im Dachgeschoss wurden die Wände eingezogen und die Elektroinstallation wurde durchgeführt.
The kitchen. |
The living room. This is the wall were the TV is going to go. |
My office. |
The upstairs bathroom. |
One of the children's bedrooms. |